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Amáne of Teravinea - The Chosen One



The first book of the Amáne of Teravinea series. We meet Amáne, a strong female hero who must take on extraordinary responsibilities to her kingdom as she learns the intricacies of being a dragon rider. Those responsibilities conflict with her own personal goals and desires. Her dragon, Eshshah, with whom she is linked, helps her deal with those issues in her battle against the evil usurper king, and in her duty to win the throne for the true heir.

Enjoy the ride!

Teravinea One
Amáne of Teravinea - The Prophecy



Finalist in 2013 San Diego Book Awards and Finalist in 2014 Best Kindle Book Awards.


In the second book of the Teravinea series, Amáne’s personal goals and interests must be set aside for the greater good of the Kingdom of Teravinea. She is forced to deal with the conflict of interest between her desires to accept Ansel’s attentions and her duty toward the throne. Her strength of character is tested as she and Eshshah embark on their quest to procure a dragon egg from Castle Teravinea.

Teravinea Two
Amáne of Teravinea - The Crown



Finalist in San Diego Book Awards 2014, YA - Sci-fi/Fantasy. 


This is the third book in the series. Amáne and her dragon, Eshshah, must persevere in their mission to oust the evil King Galtero. But her failure to restrain her stubborness and pride have devastating consequences. Amáne’s actions could jeoplardize what the dragon riders have been working toward for so many years, getting the true heir on the throne . Her antics could also destroy her relationship with Ansel.


Teravinea Three
Book 4 of the Teravinea Series
Teravinea Four
Amáne of Teravinea - Black Castle



Amáne and Ansel pledge their troth at the greatest event in the history of Teravinea — the union of two dragon riders. Equally unprecedented, she is a commoner and he, a king. But an evil emanates from a distant black castle, stealing Ansel’s love. Not even Amáne’s fiery dragon, Eshshah, has the power to heal the rift. Will Amáne ever regain what the black castle has taken away?


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